21 Day Lifestyle Change


20 x 300g meals:

_Choose any combination under dinner packs( 10 x 300g packs, except gluten free).

22 x 300ml soup:

_5 x mexican lentil

_5 x creamy carrot

_4 x roast butternut

_3 x tomato-basil

_3 x roasted broccoli

_2 x roasted cauliflower

10 x 300ml smoothie:

_4 x fattburner

_3 x Ironup

_3 x Antioxidant

7 x 70g muesli packs:

_oats,dates,chia seeds,omega seedmix,coconut flakes

4 x overnight oats:

_cinnamon-chia oats x 2

_mixed berry-chia x 2


Ready to change your lifestyle?

Ditch the old and embrace the new in 21 Days. Customize your meals and smash this lifestyle change challenge.

Enjoy smoothies and soups curated to make your experience fun and nourishing.

Enjoy your breakfast again with convenient overnight oats and muesli packs.

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